How Much Saffron Should You Buy?

How Much Saffron To Use?

When you want to use something for the first time, it's better to look at other consumers' behavior. Where did they buy it? How do they use it? How much did they buy? and so on. Like other pricey products, you could be precise in the saffron purchases. If you don't know the saffron price, usage, and weight units, you probably think of buying 1 kg or more. But it's crazy. Through a google search, you will find that it's better to order less than 100 grams, at least for the first time.

In this post, we gather the data of our customer orders to show you how other people order saffron. As you can see in below pie chart, seven saffron packs from 5 to 1000 grams are in the Saffronir product list. Although this report belongs to the Saffronir database, we could interpret it as the behavior of online customers of saffron. Moreover, it correlated to the behavior of those people who buy saffron from offline stores.

Based on this report, around half of saffron customers prefer to order a 15-gram saffron package. The exact number is 47.7 percent. They are so clever. We believe 15 grams is the optimum amount of saffron for the first three orders. Then, you could go up and order bigger saffron packages. This is why second place belongs to 100 grams of saffron packs. Around 22 percent of Saffronir orders belong to 100 grams of saffron packages. The next rank belongs to 50, 5, 10, 1000, 50 grams packages with shares of 9.3, 8.1, 7, 4.6, and 1.2 percent, respectively.